围产儿死亡中,早产儿死亡率占45.9%,其中胎龄小于32周,体重小于1500g的早产儿占多数。然而,除胎龄、体重因素外,还有哪些因素影响早产儿的死亡。为探讨影响早产儿死亡因素,本文对1992~1999年我院收治的129例早产儿死亡情况进行分析,并对16例死亡的早产儿与股龄、体重条件相似存活的早产儿进行对照分析,现将资料和分析结果报告如下。 对象与方法
Perinatal mortality, premature infant mortality accounted for 45.9%, of which gestational age less than 32 weeks, weighing less than 1500g of preterm children accounted for the majority. However, in addition to gestational age, weight factors, what other factors affect the death of premature children. In order to explore the factors that affect the mortality of premature infants, we analyzed 129 cases of premature infants who were admitted to our hospital from 1992 to 1999, and compared 16 preterm infants with similar surviving preterm infants with similar body weight. The data and analysis results are reported below. Objects and methods