Microstructure of Al2O3/SiO2 ceramic core nano-composites

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jy02553920
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Al_2O_3/SiO_2 ceramic core nano-composites were prepared and their microstructure was investigated by transmission electron microscope(TEM). The results show that intergranular nano-composites are achieved. The bonding between Al_2O_3 and SiO_2 particles is well and the interface is even. Amorphous phases and nano crystals appear in the Al_2O_3/SiO_2 ceramic core nano-composites, which both come into being during the cooling process after sintering. Glass phase does not appear between the Al_2O_3 and SiO_2 particles and only appears among the Al_2O_3 particles, which can be explained with stress model. The quantity of the glass phase is not much and its influence on the high-temperature deformation of the ceramic core nano-composites is little. Al 2 O 3 / SiO 2 ceramic core nano-composites were prepared and their microstructure was investigated by transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results show that intergranular nano-composites are achieved. The bonding between Al 2 O 3 and SiO 2 particles is well and the interface is even. phases and nano crystals appear in the Al_2O_3 / SiO_2 ceramic core nano-composites, which both come into being during the cooling process after sintering. Glass phases does not appear between the A_2O_3 and SiO_2 particles and only appears among the A_2O_3 particles, which can be explained with stress model. The quantity of the glass phase is not much and its influence on the high-temperature deformation of the ceramic core nano-composites is little.
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