他,26年来行程30多万公里,可绕地球七圈半; 他,投递邮件70多万件,没有大的差错。他,一直受到群众的信赖和赞誉。他,叫李海志,被评为新疆自治区优秀投递员、石河子市最佳服务员。“车骑人”今年50岁的李海志,20多岁就响应祖国支援边疆的号召,从内地来到大西北的石河子。当组织上分配他到远离石河子的下野地支局搞投递工作时,他二话没说,背起背包,就到那里上班了。
He has traveled more than 300,000 kilometers in 26 years and can circle seven and a half years on earth. He delivered more than 700,000 e-mails without any major mistakes. He has always been the trust and praise of the masses. He, called Li Haizhi, was named excellent delivery officer in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Shihezi best waiter. Li Hsiang-chi, 50, a car rider who came to the Shihezi in the northwest in the late 20s in response to the call of the motherland to support the border areas. When the organization assigned him to go to the sub-prefectural branch far away from Shihezi, he did not say anything, got backpacks and went there for work.