To Discriminate Two Kinds of Accounting

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  Department of Finance, AirForce Logistics College, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China
  Abstract. Accounting is one of the fastest growing profession in the modern business world. Accounting frequently offers the qualified person an opportunity to move ahead quickly in today's business world. But do you know that accounting is divided into two ?One is internal accounting, the other is external accounting.
  Key words: accounting classification; managerial accounting; financial accounting
  A person who specializes in accounting is known as an accountant. Accounting is one of the fastest growing profession in the modern business world. The rapid development of accounting brings about many trained accountants. Every new shop, restaurant, or company, indeed any kind of new enterprise increases the demand for accountants. Consequently, the demand for competent accountants is generally much greater than before. Accounting frequently offers the qualified person an opportunity to move ahead quickly in today's business world. Indeed, Accounting is a basic and vital element in every modern business and many of the heads of large corporations often were chosen from the accounting department. Accounting records the past business information: increase record or decrease record. These records are useful to judge how the business may grow in the future by careful analysis of these. Is our business making a profit? Should we start up a new line of production? The most intelligent answers to the business questions like these are based on accounting information. Decision-makers use the information to develop right business plans. Expansion or reorganization should be planned with the proper analysis of the accounting information; and new products and the promotion for selling them would be launched with the help of accounting.
  Classification of accounting. Accounting has a long history. The need for accounting has existed as long as the business activity. The functions of accounting have develop with the rapid development of management needs. Accounting provides valuable information about the financial activity and financial position of the firm. The accounting is interpreted for different users. Users of accounting information are a diverse group .Information users can be divided into two categories: external users and internal users. By the different users there are two types of accounting. This distinction allows us to classify accounting into two fields. One is managerial accounting; the other is financial accounting. Information users in each kind require different accounting information, their needs are met just by two types of accounting –managerial accounting and financial accounting.   Managerial accounting. Managerial accounting is concerned with the information needs of the internal users of a company. Managerial accounting focuses on information for internal decision-makers, such as top executives, department heads. The internal users required detailed information on all the its business activities. Accumulating and reporting financial information is the basic duty of the managerial accounting. These accounting information shows a firm's financial position and the results of its operations to the management inside. Managerial accounting provide with these accounting information for the management inside to make decision. Managerial accounting generate accounting information for internal decision-maker and the internal decision-maker analyze this information by the internal accounting reports. The management inside could plan, control and evaluation by these internal accounting information reports.
  The users of managerial accounting information are called the internal information users. Employee uses the accounting information to manage their bank accounts and evaluate their job prospects. They may make wage demands based on the accounting information that shows their future income position. They make decision with the information. They decide whether to invest or to purchase a house with the information. Managers of firm use accounting to set goal s for business. They evaluate whether the progress toward their goal. They evaluate whether the operation result increase or decrease. Careful analysis of these results and trends may suggest the ways in which the business may grow in the future.
  Managerial accounting is not governed by generally accepted accounting principles as financial accounting that.
  Financial accounting. Financial accounting is concerned with the information needs of the external users of a organization. The external users required detailed information on all the its business activities. Accumulating and reporting financial information is also the duty of the financial accounting. The financial accounting is required to disclose the information to the external users. But the users of the financial accounting are different form the managerial accounting. The users of the financial accounting is the external users. Financial accounting focuses on information for people outside the firm. For example,creditors and outside investors, government agencies and the public are not part of the management of a business. These users are external of a firm's accounting information. These accounting information shows a firm's financial position and the results of its operations to the external users.   Investors and creditors provide the money to the firm. They need the accounting information of the firm to show the firm financial position. To decided whether to provide constantly the money for the firm need. And the potential investors evaluate whether they could get return of the firm they invested. The potential investors evaluate what return they could get from the firm. Before making a loan, potential investors determine if or not to invest by the firm's ability of profit .The evaluation is based on financial accounting information.
  Government agencies ask the firm to disclose the certain information to the investing public, for the firm sell their shares to the public or borrow money from the bank.
  Taxing agencies levy on the frim's businesses. The amount of the tax is computed using accounting information. Sales tax are based on the accounting records that show how much they have sold their goods and services. And the businesses compute their income tax based on how much money their record show they have earned.
  Financial accounting provide with these accounting information for the external users make decision. Financial accounting generate accounting information for the public and the public analyze this information by the financial accounting reports. The public are interested in the amount of income that business earn. Such based on accounting information is of widespread because it covers the economic activity that reflect the good or bad of the firm financial position.
  Financial accounting is governed by generally accepted accounting principles, GAAP as the term is usually abbreviated. Accounting principles, assumptions that serve as basic guidelines in accounting practice.
  Prospect of accounting profession. The tremendous growth of economies all over the world lead to the development of the accounting. The rapid development of accounting brings large numbers professionally trained accountants. Positions in the field of accounting is divided into many areas, but now it is classified into :public accounting and private accounting.
  Many people have chosen accounting as a profession because of its many advantages. Many jobs are usually available, primarily because the education and training for accounting careers. For these have been keeping pace with the demand for accounting services. They are usually given the chance to move upward in the company sometimes to the top. Salaries for people with accounting training are usually good, and for those who rise to the top of the profession, they are correspondingly high. Certified public accountants now enjoy professional status similar to that of doctors or lawyers. A person who specializes in public accounting is known as an public accountant. CPA can offer their services to the public, and CPA is the public accountant. CPA, as the term is a certified public accountant. CPA must pass a series of examinations, after which they receives a certification. Many accountants work in government offices or for nonprofit organizations. All branches of governments employ accountants. In addition, government-owned corporations have accountants on their staff. All of these accountants, like those in private industry, work on a salary basis. They tend to become specialists in limited fields like transportation or public utilities. Private accountants, also called executive or administrative accountants, handle the financial records of a business. Like those who work for the government, they are salaried rather than paid a fee. Those who work for manufacturing concerns are sometimes called industrial accountants. Some large corporations employ hundreds of employees in their accounting offices. The chief accounting officer of a company is the controller. Controllers are responsible for maintaining the records of the company's operations. On the basis of the data that have been recorded, they measure the company's performance; they interpret the results of the operations. This position is very close to the top of management. Indeed, a controller is often just a step away from being the executive officer of a corporation. The growth of changes in technology and the economy globalization during this century have spurred the development of the accounting. A number of specialized accounting have developed in addition to financial accounting and managerial accounting, for example, human resources accounting, environmental accounting, social accounting, foreign trading accounting, insurance accounting, international accounting, tax accounting, etc. the prospect of accounting will be better.
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