××同志: 寄来的《老李头》等等每首写一个老工人的短诗读过了。我想结合今年上半年《人民文学》表表的工人诗歌,谈谈个人的意见。近来,有不少人物速写式的短诗,以其精练、生动和迅速反映现突,得到广大读者的喜爱。《人民文学》在今年上半年陆续表表了四十多首工人诗歌,就有十首是这一类的:如孙友田的《矿山人物》(一
× × Comrade: sent the “old head” and so on each write an old worker’s short poem read. I would like to combine personal opinions with workers’ poetry in the “People’s Literature” table in the first half of this year. Recently, there are many short-term poem sketches, with its refined, vivid and quickly reflect the current sudden, get the reader’s favorite. In the first half of this year, People’s Literature published more than 40 first worker’s poems. Ten examples are of this type. For example, Sun Youtian’s “Mine Man”