本刊第二十期发表了邮电系统纠正行业不正之风的一组报道。这一期本刊记者又走访了铁道部,请该部负责人就铁路系统如何纠正行业不正之风问题发表谈话。 从这两组报道,我们可以看出一个问题,即抓纠正行业不正之风,必须领导高度重视,亲自动手。要把本系统存在的属于行业不正之风的问题捋一遍,把存在的主要问题、主要表现找出来,做到心中有数,才能工作有方。
Twentieth issue of the publication of the postal system to correct the unhealthy trend of the industry a group of reports. This issue of journalists also visited the Ministry of Railways and asked the head of the department to make a statement on how the railway system should correct the unhealthy tendencies in the industry. From these two reports, we can see that there is a problem that we must attach great importance to and correct the unhealthy practices in the industry. It is necessary to put the system existing problems that belong to the unhealthy tenure of the industry. Once again, the main problems and the main manifestations of the problems are found out, so that we can know how to work well.