
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doubaosong
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Pancreatobiliary reflux usually occurs in patients with pancreaticobiliary maljunction and can be associated with the occurrence of gallbladder carcinoma. We present the case of a patient with pancreatobiliary reflux despite having a normal pancreatobiliary junction (occult pancreatobiliary reflux; OPBR), in whom the resected gallbladder presented severe dysplasia. The patient, a 61- year- old woman, showed thickness of the gallbladder wall, detected by ultrasonography and computed temography (CT). Her biliary amylase level in the common bile duct was 103 000 IU/l, and in the gallbladder it was 153 500 U/l, although endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography revealed a normal pancreaticobiliary junction. Immunohistochemical staining showed many p53- positive nuclei in the dysplastic lesion, and about 50% of the dysplastic cells exhibited diffuse nuclear staining for Ki- 67. In the present patient, early diagnosis of occult pancreatobiliary reflux led to early detection of a precancerous lesion of the gallbladder mucosa. Pancreatobiliary reflux usually occurs in patients with pancreaticobiliary maljunction and can be associated with the occurrence of gallbladder carcinoma. severe dysplasia. The patient, a 61-year-old woman, showed thickness of the gallbladder wall, detected by ultrasonography and computed temography (CT). Her biliary amylase level in the common bile duct was 103 000 IU / l, and in the gallbladder it was 153 500 U / l, although endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography revealed a normal pancreaticobiliary junction. Immunohistochemical staining showed many p53- positive nuclei in the dysplastic lesion, and about 50% of the dysplastic cells showed diffuse nuclear staining for Ki- 67. In the present patient, early diagnosis of occult pancreatobiliary reflux led to early detection of a precanc erous lesion of the gallbladder mucosa.
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