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京哈铁路和102国道,如两条并驾齐驱的巨龙,穿腾于关东大地上。公主岭市就是镶嵌在巨龙身上的明珠,在改革开放的春风劲吹下,崭露光芒,引起世人瞩目。这个县级市的粮食产量,由70年代的不足20亿斤,今日跃为40亿斤,荣登全国产粮百强县之榜首。“春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子”。在如今,种田讲科学化、效益化、规模化的现代潮流中,优质良种的繁育、推广、应用,无疑是重要的一环。一个产粮大县的种子公司,担负的“万家忧乐,经济兴衰”的重担。公主岭市种 Beijing-Harbin Railway and 102 National Road, such as the two dragons go hand in hand, wearing the Teng earth. Gongzhuling City is the pearl embedded in the dragon, under the spring breeze of reform and opening up, shine, attracted worldwide attention. The output of grain in this county-level city jumped from less than 2 billion jin in the 1970s to 4 billion jin and topped the list of the top 100 grain-producing counties in the country. “Spring a millet, autumn harvest million children.” Nowadays, the breeding, promotion and application of high-quality seeds are undoubtedly an important part of the modern trend of farming with respect to science, efficiency and scale. A seed company in a large grain-producing county shoulders the burden of “10,000 worries and a rise and fall in economy.” Gongzhuling City species
目的 了解新生儿重症监护室 (NICU)内进行医疗活动总人数及不同医疗护理活动对空气细菌菌落数的影响。 方法 采用空气自然沉降法观察每小时空气细菌菌落数 ,同时记录相应
手掌大小的AV320不仅拥有视频和音频文件的播放功能,而且还具有录制不同设备输出信号的能力。 它的出现,令用户对于未来袖珍型影音播放设备满怀憧憬。 The palm-size AV320
一、播期菜用牛蒡春、秋两季均可播种。春栽播期为3月中旬至4月上旬,于9—11月采收直根;秋栽播期为8—10月,于翌年4—5月采收。 二、选土选择土层深厚、排灌方便的砂质壤土,
本文介绍了英国的在橡胶沥青里测定橡胶含量的两种方法。 This article describes two methods for rubber content determination in rubber asphalt in the United Kingdo