
来源 :安徽省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:standups_wu
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据最近各地报告,入春以来,有许多农民因想参加工业建设,进入城市,寻找工作.仅就东北沈阳、鞍山两市的统计,即有二万余人。目前,由于城市建设尚在开始,劳动力需用有限,农民盲目入城的结果,在城市,使失业人口增加,造成处理上的困难;在农村,则又因劳动力的减少,使春耕播种大受影响,造成农业生产上的损失。为了制止这种混乱现象的继续发展,特作如下的指示,望各省、市人民政府督促有关单位切实负责执行:一、各省、市人民政府应立即通知各县、区、乡政府、农会向准备或要求进城的农民耐心解释,劝止其进城,说明城市工业建设尚在开始,现有建筑工人已供过于求,自由进城,无法找到工作,不但要遭受路费的损失,而且还要耽误农村的生产;将来城市建设需要增加工人时,将正式通知区、乡政府,有计划、有组织地招收。二、今后县、区、乡政府对于要求进城找工作的农民,除有工矿企业或建筑公司正式文件证明其为预约工或合同工者外,均不得开给介绍 According to recent reports from various places, since the beginning of spring, many peasants have entered cities and sought jobs because they want to take part in industrial construction and only have statistics on the two cities of Shenyang and Anshan in Northeast China. At present, due to the fact that urban construction is still under way, labor demand is limited and farmers blindly enter the city as a result, the number of unemployed people in urban areas is increased, resulting in difficulties in handling. In rural areas, the sowing of spring plowing is greatly affected by the reduction of labor force , Resulting in the loss of agricultural production. In order to stop the continued development of this chaotic phenomenon, we hereby make the following special instructions to all provinces and municipal people’s governments to urge the units concerned to take effective measures to implement them: 1. Provinces and municipal people’s governments should promptly notify counties, districts and townships, Prepare or require the peasants who came to the city patiently explain and persuade them to enter the city, indicating that urban industrial construction is still under way. Existing construction workers have already oversupplied, they are free to enter the city and can not find jobs. They not only suffer the toll loss but also delay rural areas Of the production; urban construction in the future need to increase workers, will officially notify the district and township government, a planned and organized recruitment. In the future, the county, district and township governments will not give any introduction to the peasants who request to go to the cities for job search except that they have formal documents of the industrial and mining enterprises or construction companies that they prove to be appointment workers or contract workers
中国矿业大学于 2 0 0 0年 1 1月 1日批准成立红楼梦研究所 ,隶属文学与法政学院。中国矿业大学历来重视对大学生的人文素质的教育与培养 ,已连续多年面向全校大学生开设《红
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