杨圆蚧Quadraspidiotus gigas(Thiem et Gerneck)发生期测报的研究是进行科学管理的基础研究,到目前为止,关于发生期测报研究的比较少,为此,我们从1984年—1986年对杨圆蚧发生期测报进行了研究。 用期距预测法进行预测,预测结果比较准确,预测结果与实际发生基本相符。有效积温预测法是根据杨圆蚧各虫期的发育起点温度和有效积温提出了预蛹、蛹、雄成虫、卵发生期的预测式,根据这些预测式预测结果与实际发生基本相符。同时还利用了物候预测法,根据节气进行预测,效果也比较好。
So far, there are few researches on the occurrence of period geo-informatics. For this reason, from 1984 to 1986, we studied the occurrence and development of quadratpidiotus gigas (Thiem et Gerneck) Occurrence of the report was studied. Prediction by period prediction method, the prediction result is more accurate, the prediction result basically accord with the actual occurrence. Effective prediction method of temperature is based on the temperature of each stage of the development of Crypthecophyta temperature and effective accumulated temperature pre-pupa, pupa, male adult, egg prediction of the expected period, based on these predictive predictions and the actual occurrence of the basic line. At the same time, it also makes use of the phenomenological forecasting method and predicts it based on the solar term. The result is also better.