股市:机会大于风险 今年春节以后,股市走出了一条呈45度角的窄幅上升K线组合通道,上升通道一直延续了3个月之久,这在世界股市史上是绝无仅有的。今年的投资者表现非常谨慎,看空者时时都有。在沪市1100多点之后,市场一路做着关于风险的文章,一方面:管理层不断加强监管力度,证监会先后出台了《市场禁人制度》,4月份又在100亿新股规模上增加40亿可转换债券和50亿新股额度,接着又将今年定为“防范风险年”,5月10日国务院将印花税由30‰调高至5‰,监管力度一步比一步紧;另一方面,报刊媒介有
Stock Market: Opportunities outweigh the risks After the Spring Festival this year, the stock market stepped out of a narrow-rise K-line combination at a 45-degree angle and the ascending channel lasted for 3 months, which is unprecedented in the world stock market history. Investors this year are very cautious, with the bearish sellers all the time. After the Shanghai market more than 1,100 points, the market is doing an article on risk all the way. On the one hand, the management continuously strengthens its supervision. The SFC has successively promulgated the “market forbidding system”, and in April, it added another 40 in the scale of 10 billion new shares Billion convertible bonds and 50 billion new shares, and then this year as a “year to prevent risks”, the State Department on May 10 stamp duty raised from 30 ‰ to 5 ‰, regulatory efforts step by step tight; the other hand, the press Media there