ⅡC China、electronicaChina、SEMICON China……,每年的春天都是电子行业盛会云集的季节,今年也无例外。无论是跨国公司还是本土企业,大大小小的参展商们无不面对各家展会公司的招商合同表现出慷慨的热情,希望在秀技术、秀产品、秀观点的应接不暇中,将过去、现在和未来的期望经由无数的参观者变现为赢利报表中的上升曲线。在乍暖还寒的季节置身于会展熙熙攘攘的参观者当中,我们不由得感觉电子产业似乎是“必然”地迎来了又一个好年头。尽管展览公司的老板们越来越头疼“大而全”和“专而精”究竟哪种办展方式更合电子产业的胃口,但他们目前至少不用担心这些参展客户明年会否流单。对于半导体器件、设计方案供应商和他们的客户而言,没有什么能比在展会上大规模面对面地接触更加便捷的形式了。通过本期的行业巡礼栏目,我们将感受到来自全球及本土的电子企业在业务上的关注重点,以及他们的技术发展战略,希望您能从中受到些许启发。
Ⅱ C China, electronicaChina, SEMICON China ......, the spring of each year is the electronics industry event gathered in the season, this year is no exception. Whether multinational companies or local enterprises, exhibitors who are large and small, all face the exhibition company’s investment contract showed a generous enthusiasm, hoping to show technology, show products, show the view of the overwhelmed, the past, present and Future expectations have been realized by countless visitors as rising curves in profit statements. During the warm and cold season of visitors to the convention and exhibition bustling, we can not help but feel the electronics industry seems to be “inevitable” usher in another good year. Despite the increasingly heady “big and all” and “specialist” exhibition companies’ bosses, which are more appealing to the electronics industry, at least they do not have to worry about whether these participating customers will have a single issue next year. For semiconductor devices, design solutions providers and their customers, there is nothing more convenient than a large-scale face-to-face encounter with the show. With this issue of Industry Paragraphs, we will be able to feel a bit inspired by the business focus of our global and local electronics companies and their technology development strategies.