自去年10月在美国推出以来,“苹果支付”于近日正式进入英国,这标志着苹果移动支付实现了美国以外市场的扩张,英国为第一站。“苹果支付”相当于一个方便的电子钱包,适用于最新一代的苹果产品——iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus和Apple Watch。这项服务使用进场通信技术(NFC),用户只需事先将信用卡或借记卡信息存入手机账户中,就可用苹果手机与商店里的支付终端进行免接触支付。苹果公司为自己的“苹果支付”服务设定了一定的安全措施,存储在苹果
Since its launch in the United States in October last year, “Apple Payment ” has officially entered the UK recently, marking the first stop for Apple’s mobile payment expansion outside the United States. “Apple Pay ” is equivalent to a handy e-wallet for the latest generation of Apple products - iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Watch. The service uses NFC, which allows users to make contactless payments with payment terminals in the store using Apple’s mobile phones by simply placing credit or debit card information in their mobile phone account. Apple set some security measures for its own “Apple Payments” service, stored on Apple