张先生和李先生同一年大学毕业,分配在同一所高校任教,后来又同一年结婚,住同一幢楼的门对门。 张先生很少与人交往,除了给学生上课,大部分时间都是闭门读书,舞文弄墨。他也做些家务活儿,这当然主要是为了松弛一下神经,调剂一下头脑。总之,张先生喜欢读书撰文,乐在其中。而李先生则不同,他好热闹,总是有空和别人凑在一起闲聊,或说说笑笑消磨时光,或吃吃喝喝称兄道弟,或四人一组以牌会友。李先生喜欢这种高朋满座的生活。 但是张太太和李太太对自己的丈夫都有些不满。 这不,张太太正数落起她的丈夫——
Mr. Zhang and Mr. Li graduated from the same university in the same year, assigned to teach in the same university and later married the same year and lived in the same building. Mr. Zhang is rarely associated with people, except for the students in class, most of the time are behind closed doors, dance ink get involved. He also does some housework, of course, mainly to relax the nerves, adjust your mind. In short, Mr. Zhang likes reading and writing, enjoying it. Mr. Lee is different, he is very hilarious, always free and chat with others, or talk and laugh, spend time, or eat and drink called brothers, or a group of four to board members. Mr. Lee likes this kind of life full of people. But Mrs. Cheung and Mrs. Lee were somewhat dissatisfied with her husband. This is not, Mrs. Zhang has just lifted her husband -