论述一种新的激光脉冲整形方法-利用任意形状的整形电脉冲直接驱动半导体激光器,产生与电脉冲形状一致的激光脉冲,作为高功率激光装置的种子光源。使用GaAs场效应管作为开关器件,使用超宽带脉冲触发场效应管产生整形电脉冲,引入阻抗渐变微带技术克服了触发脉冲损耗对级联场效应管数量限制,将整形电脉冲脉冲宽度扩展到10 ns。以整形电脉冲直接驱动半导体激光器,可产生脉宽为10 ns,时域调节精度为330 ps的任意整形激光脉冲。
A new laser pulse shaping method is discussed. The laser pulse with the shape of electric pulse is directly driven by any kind of shaping electric pulse, which is used as the seed light source of high power laser device. The GaAs FET is used as a switching device, the UWB pulse-triggered FET is used to generate the shaped electrical pulse, and the impedance-tapered microstrip technique is introduced to overcome the limitation of the trigger pulse loss on the number of cascaded FETs. The pulse width of the shaped electrical pulse is extended to 10 ns. Directly driving a semiconductor laser with a shaping electric pulse produces an arbitrary shaped laser pulse with a pulse width of 10 ns and a temporal adjustment accuracy of 330 ps.