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在漫漫的长夜里独自睁着优郁的眼睛等待着天明,这份苦楚大概只有出现睡眠障碍的人才能理解。在当今社会中,随着生活方式的变革和生节奏的加快,夜不能寐的人越来越多了起来。据最近的一份资料显示,美国、英国等发达国家,第5名成年人中就有1人存在着睡眠障碍。这些人主要集中在证券、通讯、信息、商务、传媒、网络、房地产等领域。国内科研机构近年分别对上海、南京4000名城市居民进行了调查,结果发现上海人群的失眠率为16.3%,南京人群的失眠率为13.6%。一位有房、有车的证券界人士苦不堪言地诉说道,每天晚上一躺到床上。他的头脑就特别清楚,白天股市行情的变化像放电影一样,一幕幕地闯入大脑,入睡非常困难。一位年近40的白领女士情况更为严重,整夜躺在床上毫无睡意,到了白天上班时间头脑却昏昏沉沉,几乎不能工作。还有一位青年学生,在父母的一再加压下几经拼搏考上了名牌大学,但一入校园便产生了严重的睡眠障碍,整日焦躁不安,脾气极坏,无法进行正常的学习。有些刚刚退休的老人,由于生活规律发生变化,也会出现明显的睡眠障碍。睡眠障碍已经成为降低生活质量的主要因素。有鉴于此,我们特邀有关专家聚首本刊,为消除睡眠障碍献计献策。 In the long night alone eyes wide open waiting for the dawn, the suffering is probably only people who have sleep disorders can understand. In today’s society, as lifestyles change and the pace of life accelerates, more and more people are awake at night. According to a recent data show that the United States, Britain and other developed countries, one fifth of adults have sleep disorders. These people are mainly concentrated in securities, communications, information, commerce, media, Internet, real estate and other fields. In recent years, domestic research institutes surveyed 4,000 urban residents in Shanghai and Nanjing, respectively. The results showed that the insomnia rate was 16.3% in Shanghai and 13.6% in Nanjing. A person who has a room and a car dealership complains bitterly, lying in bed every night. His mind is particularly clear, the stock market during the day as the changes in the stock market like the movie, breaking into the brain, it is very difficult to fall asleep. A white-collar lady of nearly 40 was in a more serious situation. She slept all night in bed without any sleepiness, but her head was drowsy during work hours, hardly able to work. There was also a young student who was admitted to a prestigious university after being repeatedly pressured by his parents. However, once he went to school, he had a serious sleep disorder and was restless all day long. His temper was so bad that he could not conduct normal studies. Some elderly people just retired due to changes in the law of life, there will be obvious sleep disorders. Sleep disorders have become a major factor in lowering the quality of life. In view of this, we invited the experts gathered in this magazine, in order to eliminate sleep disorders offer advice.
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不久前,我接到一位少妇的来信,我给她复了信。考虑到这两封信所谈的内容涉及到许多人所关心的问题——夫妻性生活和谐与性高潮,因此,有必要公开发表。 Not long ago, I rec
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【摘要】慕课的兴起与急速发展对于大学英语教改是契机还是挑战?本文针对慕课大环境给我们大学英语所带来的契机,针对目前大学英语教学中存在问题提出了以下几点教学改革具体措施:1.按社会需求完善课程设置;2.转变教学模式;3.完善评价体系。  【关键词】慕课 大学英语 教学改革  【中图分类号】G64【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)20-0109-01  上个世纪末起,我国教育
摘要:随着教育事业的发展,在英语语法的教学上也经历了多次改革,而英语语法对初中生学习英语有着很重要的作用,提高学生理解英语的能力和运用能力。但是在教学过程中还存在着一些误区,本文从相应的误区展开提出一些纠正方式。  关键词:初中英语;语法教学;误区;方式  随着课程的不断改革,初中英语的位置越来越重要。其中英语语法教学越来越被重视,英语语法是理解英语的关键。很多老师因为教学的方式不得当,使得教学效