Moschcowitz (1924) observed a 16-year-old woman with fever, purpura, anemia, and microscopic hematuria who died 13 days after onset. Microscopic examination at necropsy revealed a widespread presence of fibrinoblast-like, clear-like thrombi in the terminal arterioles and capillaries presumably by a toxin that agglutinates platelets and hemolysis and causes hemagglutination and opacification . Baehr et al. (1936) observed that in four women aged 9-48 years with severe progressive anemia and thrombocytopenia, fibroblasts surrounding the microthrombus were covered with proliferating endothelial cells. Morphological observation and Giemsa staining indicate that thrombus consists of fibrin and aggregated platelets, suggesting extensive vascular damage in this patient. In 1947 the disease was named Singer et al thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). Bernheim and others call it Moschcowi-tz’s disease.