经河南、山东、安徽、山西、陕西等省份西瓜产区多年生产试验证明,要想西瓜获得高产,在生产中应掌握以下技术: 1.精选良种 选择中晚熟、抗病、生长势强的大果型品种。如少籽霸王龙、少籽深绿王、特大庆红宝西瓜王、庆发八号、庆发十二号等品种。 2.覆盖栽培 无论是早熟栽培,还是晚熟栽培及大棚种植,最好采用地膜覆盖。使用地膜不仅可以防除杂草,而且还可以防旱防涝,对西瓜增产起到一定的作用。
The Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other provinces watermelon producing areas for many years proved that, in order to obtain high yield watermelon, the production should master the following technologies: 1. Selected varieties of late-maturing, disease resistance, strong growth potential Large fruit type. Such as less seed Tyrannosaurus Rex, less seed dark green King, Daqing Red Watermelon King, Qingfa eight, Qingfa No. 12 and other varieties. Covering cultivation Whether it is precocious cultivation, or late cultivation and greenhouse cultivation, the best film mulching. Use of plastic film can not only prevent weeds, but also drought-resistant waterlogging, watermelon production increase play a role.