龙游县消防中队充分发挥党支部战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用,全面推进部队正规化建设,取得丰硕成果。中队先后荣立集体三等功3次,连续5年被省消防总队评为先进基层党组织;中队官兵先后有8人荣立二等功或三等功,副中队长王建虹和原任指导员章仕方也被评为“优秀警官”。 向党员、干部看齐 在这个中队,干部、党员有一句共同的口头禅:“向
The Longyou County Fire Squadron has given full play to the role of the party branch in fighting battles and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in promoting the regularization of the armed forces in an all-round way and has achieved fruitful results. Squadron has won the collective third class three times, for five consecutive years by the provincial fire corps as advanced grass-roots party organizations; squadron of officers and men have erected second-class or third class work, deputy squadron leader Wang Jianhong and former instructor Zhang Shifang was also named “excellent police officer.” To party members and cadres in line in this squadron, cadres, party members have a common mantra: "to