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如图15所示,通过比较在0℃拉伸状态下的tanδ值对湿路面牵引性能进行了预测,在此场合下其值越高最好。除了BR-丙烯酸酯三聚物外,使用新型填料的所有胶料其湿路面牵引性能预测值均比对比胶料出现了改善。使用硅烷醇填料和炭黑-白炭黑双相填料的胶料,则注意到其值较对比胶料的值大幅提高。同样,60℃下的tanδ值被用作预测胎面胶料滚动阻力的工具。在这种场合,此温度下的tanδ值较低则轮胎滚动阻力较小。根据图16中的结 As shown in FIG. 15, the wet traction performance was predicted by comparing the tan δ values ​​at 0 ° C in the stretched state, and in this case, the higher the value, the better. With the exception of the BR-acrylate trimer, all of the compounds using the novel filler showed improved wet traction performance over the comparative compound. Using a silanol filler and a carbon black-silica double-phase filler, it is noted that the value is significantly higher than that of the comparative rubber. Also, the tan δ value at 60 ° C. is used as a tool for predicting the rolling resistance of the tread stock. In this case, a lower value of tan δ at this temperature results in less rolling resistance of the tire. According to the knot in FIG. 16
在多维文化视野中 ,现代旅游愈益突出了文化的内涵与价值。文章分析了旅游文化与旅游经济之间的关系 ,探讨了旅游者、旅游业、旅游开发、旅游管理部门的内涵与外延 ,批判了旅
患者 36岁,G1P0.孕17周时取静脉血2 ml,采用时间分辨免疫荧光法进行唐氏综合征的筛查(试剂由美国PE公司提供),结果显示18-三体风险概率1:10.患者拒绝羊膜腔穿刺进行胎儿染色体检查.孕22周胎膜早破,发动宫缩,胎心140次/min,1 h后胎心消失.随后娩出一胎儿,无呼吸、心跳.胎儿查体:身长20 cm,头围14 cm,腹围11 cm.双耳低位,鼻孔朝天,颈蹼,蛙状胸,手指向内并拢,