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四川省大足县龙水人民公社土桥大队,在公社党委的统一规划下,大搞中药材生产。土桥大队生产中药材确是一件破天荒的事情。57年以前这里中药材生产为零,58年下半年才种上24亩白芍、红花,白芥子等药品,今年县委在大力发展多种经济的同时,大抓中药材生产。最初在进行这一工作时,遇到了很多困难—劳力不足、种子缺乏,与农业社员争土地,不懂种植技术和管理方法,有个别队员思想不通,如药材专业队员蒋子顺说,“种药材不如喂肥猪,有肉吃”。排龙湾食堂的屋基土,种植专业队要用来种冬花,社员要用来种菜,发生了争执。总支罗书记在干部会议上进行动员布置以后,深入食堂了解社员思想反映,进行说服教育,打通了社员的思想上的障碍。在解决劳力上,采取了发动羣众突击与专业管理相结合的办法:在农业还不太忙的时候,县委为了支援土桥大队药材生产,从城里和龙水镇抽调了72个居民来突击20天,公社又抽调三 Dazu County, Sichuan Province, Long Shui People’s Commune Soil Bridge Battalion in the commune party committee unified planning, vigorously promote the production of Chinese herbal medicines. Soil Bridge brigade production of Chinese herbal medicines is indeed an unprecedented thing. 57 years ago, the production of Chinese herbal medicines is zero. In the second half of the 58th year, 24 acres of white peony root, safflower and mustard seed were planted. This year, the county party committee vigorously promoted the production of Chinese herbal medicines while vigorously developing a variety of economies. Initially, there were many difficulties encountered in carrying out this work - lack of labor, lack of seeds, competition with agricultural members for land, lack of understanding of planting techniques and management methods. Some of the team members did not understand the idea. For example, Better to feed fat pigs, eat meat ". Pai Longwan canteen home base soil, planting professional team to be used to plant winter flowers, members should be used to grow vegetables, a dispute. After General Secretary Luo’s mobilization and arrangement at the cadre meeting, he went deep into the canteen to understand the ideological reflection of the members and conducted persuasion and education, opening up the ideological obstacles of the members. To solve the problem of labor, a combination of mobilizing mass assault and professional management was adopted: when agriculture was not too busy, the county commissioned 72 residents from the city and Longshui Township to support the production of medicinal materials for the Tuqiao Brigade Assault 20 days, the commune and pumping three
人与动物和谐相处,一直是人类史上的永恒话题。近几年,一项应运而生的旅游观赏项目——观鲸,得到全世界旅行者的拥簇和支持。生态伦理显然不适宜在这里大加渲染,这一次,我们只推荐地球之上,人类可以与鲸鱼亲密接触的地方。虽然说在合适的季节,多数观鲸地的鲸鱼遇见率不低于90%,但就恰恰有那么一部分观鲸者,成为10%的错失者,这堪比在城市的相亲高峰季,偏偏落单。  这里有雄浑多姿的落基山脉,有世界上最长的海岸线
我們除同意中國藥學會濟南分會藥房工作座談會的意見外,根據我們醫院及門診部的情况,作下列幾點具體的補充: 一、在增產節約運動中,我們體會到在醫院及門診部開展增產節約的
编辑同志: 军区陆军医院住院部药房,为了以实际行动响应该院上级党委‘进一步面向病房伤病员服务’的号召,全体药剂人员在药局主任崔慎修同志的积极带领下,开动了脑筋,经过