近几年 ,在菜城花都之乡——寿光 ,提起上职业学校 ,许多人都会脱口而出 :去二职专 !作为地处农村的寿光市第二职业中专哪来的这么大的吸引力 ?正所谓好酒不怕巷子深 ,是该校一流的教学质量赢得了社会各届的广泛信任 ,是坚持以人为本、追求卓越、创办“三园” (学园、乐园、花
In recent years, in the town of flower capital Huadu - Shouguang, filed a vocational school, many people blurted out: go to the second vocational school as located in the rural secondary vocational school in Shouguang which come so attractive Is the so-called wine is not afraid of the alley, is the school’s first-class teaching quality has won wide trust in the community sessions, is to adhere to the people-oriented, the pursuit of excellence, founder of the “three parks” (Park, Paradise,