过量的地表径流是造成土壤侵蚀和点源污染的主要原因。宽、窄相间的条状种植能够降低土壤的侵蚀强度。若全世界都用条状种植方式,则土壤损失会降低5.1 t/(hm2.a)。条状草地缓冲系统在减少了径流的同时,也增加了土壤渗水量。此研究表明了缓冲体系的建立在8~10 a的时间内就能够提高水分的渗透率。研究种植在玉米-大豆体系中农-林或草-豆缓冲系统对土壤水力性质的影响,其结果发现:草地或农林缓冲系统的土壤密度比耕地小2.3%,孔隙度和粗气孔分别高出3%和33%,Ksat值则高出了3~14倍。结果表明:草地和农林缓冲体系能提高土壤的蓄水能力。缓冲系统可调控土壤表面的水文条件,且能减少耕地的水土流失。
Excessive surface runoff is the main cause of soil erosion and point source pollution. Wide and narrow strips of barley can reduce soil erosion intensity. If striping is used all over the world, soil loss will be reduced by 5.1 t / (hm2.a). Strip grass buffer system reduces runoff at the same time, also increased the amount of soil water seepage. This study shows that the buffered system can improve the permeability of water within 8 ~ 10 a. The results showed that the soil density of grassland or agriculture-forestry buffer system was 2.3% less than that of cultivated land, and the porosity and the stomata were respectively higher than those of 3 % And 33%, Ksat value is higher than 3 to 14 times. The results showed that: the grassland and forestry buffer system can improve soil water storage capacity. Buffer system can regulate the hydrological conditions of the soil surface, and can reduce soil erosion of cultivated land.