Adolescent groups generally exist “idols” “super girl hot ” and other idol worship behavior. In order to fully understand today’s idol worship and role model learning, the China Youth Research Center conducted a nationwide survey of idolatry and model education among children and adolescents in May 2011. “People’s Daily” March 2, 2012 According to the news, the “Idol Worship and Model Education Study for Children and Adolescents” completed in nearly a year shows that the most admired children and adolescents are singers (37.0%), film stars 20.5%), sports stars (10.3%). The number of writers, artists, thinkers, heroes, politicians and military figures is about 3%, and that of scientists is only 2.3%. Adolescence is a crucial stage in one’s learning and growth. During this period, adolescents are in the transition from children to adults. On the one hand, their physiology is gradually maturing and they begin to want to get out of the bondage of their parents