在利益成为偶像的时代,外来思潮的倾泻、多样性文化生态区域的减少以及国人对本土文化的质疑、淡忘、民族心理的自卑自残甚至民族精神的彻底失落,都在加速剥离中国民族文化的内核,充满个性的中国文化正在遭遇物质与精神的双重流失,恐怕到了只剩下方块文字的最后屏障时,我们的文化被连根拔起就不是危言,何谈先进与否? 无论是非物质文化遗产的申报和保护,还是民间艺术抢救工程,归根到底是我们对中国文化根系的生死捍卫。然而,
In an era when interest has become an idol, the external thoughts, the reduction of diverse cultural and ecological areas, as well as the people’s questioning of local cultures, forgetfulness, self-despair of national psychology and even the complete loss of national spirit are accelerating the deconstruction of the core of Chinese national culture , Full of personality of Chinese culture is experiencing the double loss of material and spiritual, I am afraid that only the last block of text barrier, our culture uprooted is not a danger, not to mention advanced? Whether it is declared intangible cultural heritage And protection, or folk art rescue project, in the final analysis is our life and death to defend the roots of Chinese culture. however,