美国最新《财富》杂志揭晓全球50位商业女杰,有7位中国女性榜上有名。其中,中国联想集团的副总裁兼首席财务长官马雪片凭借其出色的业绩和管理才能跻身十强,各列第五。 开放的中国为女性的发展提供了机会,起来越多的女性有机会参与到企业事务中,有机会拥有具备影响力的职位,据说这是一个正在迅速延展的趋势,榜上名扬的7位中国女性或许就是最好的注解。 同时,由于传统观念和心理定势的作用,阻碍这一发展趋势的力量也很大。而对于年轻女性来说,可供她们参照的榜样又实在太少。 于是,中国的7们商业女杰倍受关注。
The newest Fortune magazine in the United States unveiled the world’s top 50 businesswomen, with seven Chinese women on the list. Among them, China Lexus Group vice president and chief financial officer Ma Xue tablet with its outstanding performance and management ability ranks among the top ten, ranked fifth. Open China offers opportunities for the development of women, with more and more women having the opportunity to participate in corporate affairs and have the opportunity to hold influential positions, which is said to be a rapidly expanding trend with 7 Chinese women may be the best comment. At the same time, because of traditional attitudes and psychological determinations, the forces hindering this trend are also great. For young women, there are too few role models for their reference. As a result, China’s commercial ladies 7 times have drawn much attention.