菊花为植物菊 Chrysant hemum morifo-lium Ramat.的干燥头状花序,是卫生部公布的食药兼用品种之一,具有散风清热、平肝明目作用。能供药用的该属植物为多种,其中产于河北省安国县(祁州)的祁菊花已列为全国三大名菊之一,但对其化学成分研究报道较少。我们将当年产商品祁菊花按中国药典(1985年版)法提取挥发油,收率0.39(v/g),呈浅
Chrysanthemum is a dried flower head of Chrysant hemum morifo-lium Ramat. It is one of the food and medicine varieties that the Ministry of Public Health announced. It has the effect of dispersing heat, clearing the heat, and improving the appearance of liver and eyesight. There are many species of this genus that can be used for medicinal purposes. Among them, the medusa which is produced in Anguo County (Zhangzhou) of Hebei Province has been listed as one of the top three most famous chrysanthemums in China, but there are few reports on its chemical composition. We will use the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (1985 version) method to extract volatile oil from commercial chrysanthemums of an annual output of 0.39 (v/g).