对5片剪跨比范围在2~5、距厚比为100和150的钢板混凝土板进行简支单点加载的平面外抗剪性能试验。试验结果表明:钢板混凝土板的破坏形式与钢筋混凝土结构类似;栓钉的间距对钢板混凝土(简称“SC”)板的刚度有很大影响;随着剪跨比的增大,抗剪承载力下降,试件破坏呈现脆性破坏;当试件截面高度增加时,试件破坏形式为剪切破坏。同时采用ACI 349和JEAG 4618对试件弯曲承载力和抗剪承载力进行计算,计算值与试验值吻合较好。
The test results of the plane shear strength of five slabs with shear span ratios in the range of 2 ~ 5 and the slab ratios of 100 and 150 are compared. The results show that the failure mode of steel plate is similar to that of reinforced concrete. The spacing of bolts has a great influence on the stiffness of steel plate (“SC”). With the increase of shear span ratio, The bearing capacity decreased and the specimen failure presented brittle failure. When the specimen height increased, the failure form of the specimen was shear failure. The flexural capacity and shear capacity of the specimens were calculated by using ACI 349 and JEAG 4618 respectively. The calculated values agree well with the experimental values.