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为了进一步推进计算机技术在企业中的应用,机械部决定1997年将重点开展机械工业CAD发展年活动。 其宗旨是:抓应用,促发展,见效益,通过应用示范,促进全行 第一、培育50家CAD应用示范企业,带动400~500家应用成功企业,辐射5000家企业应用CAD技术。 第二、建立起以”机械工业CAD咨询服务中心”为核心的机械用,形成一批具有一定商品化水平的机械工业CAD/CAM应用软件、专用软件。 第四、对CAD应用示范企业轮训一遍CAD/CAM技术知识,培训2000余名CAD/CAM的技术应用人 In order to further promote the application of computer technology in the enterprise, the Ministry of Machinery decided in 1997 to focus on carrying out the CAD development year of machinery industry. Its purpose is: grasp the application, promote development, see the benefit, through the demonstration, to promote the bank first, to cultivate 50 CAD application demonstration enterprises, led 400 ~ 500 successful enterprises, 5000 enterprises applied radiation CAD technology. Second, the establishment of “Machinery Industry CAD Consulting Service Center” as the core of the machinery to form a group of a certain degree of commercialization of the mechanical industry CAD / CAM application software, special software. Fourth, the CAD model of enterprise training turn CAD / CAM technical knowledge once again, training more than 2,000 CAD / CAM technology applications
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