随着现代派文学运动的蓬勃发展以及以艾略特(T.S.Eloit)的《荒原》为标志的辉煌胜利的取得,艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Elizabeth Dickinson,1830—1886),作为一位诗人,她在美国乃至世界文坛的重要而特殊的地位在评论界终于获得公认.成为与爱伦·玻(E.A.Poe),惠特曼(W.Whitman)并驾齐驱的美国三大抒情诗人之一.但是,狄金森并不象惠特曼,尽管他们几乎生活在同一时期;如果说,后者除了创造了“英诗自由体”外,更重要的是以其在《草叶集》中用诗句为人类自由曙光的来临而欢呼歌唱,成为一位“划时代的歌手”而誉满全球的话,那么,前者则主要是靠其在诗歌艺术上的锐意开拓,大胆创新,特别是在诗歌语言和意象创造两个方面的独特风格而博得后人推崇的.我国研究者已注意到狄氏在创作上的独特之处,不少文学研究她的象征,意象,现代派特征等,本文拟着重探讨其诗歌语言艺术的特点.
With the vigorous development of the modernist literary movement and the glorious victories marked by TSEloit’s Wasteland, Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (1830-1886), as a poet , Her important and special status in the literary world in the United States and the world finally gained recognition in the critics as one of the three major American lyric poets who kept pace with EAPoe and W. Whitman. , Dickinson is not like Whitman, although they live almost at the same time; if the latter, in addition to creating the “English poetry freedom”, more importantly, in his “grass leaves set” with verse The coming of the free dawn of human beings cheers and sing, and becomes a “epoch-making singer” with the reputation of the world. Therefore, the former mainly relies on its pioneering spirit in poetry and bold innovation, especially in the creation of poetic language and images Two aspects of the unique style and won the descendants of praise.Chinese researchers have noticed the distinctiveness of the creation of Dixie, many literary her symbol, image, the characteristics of modernism, this article will focus on exploring his poems the art of language Features.