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本文研究的内容为作物对六六六的吸收及其运转。田间小区试验分别设在北京、山东和山西,每亩用0.5、1.5、2.5和3.5公斤6%的六六六,分别处理土壤。试验结果表明:作物对六六六的吸收量,取决于作物种类、土壤类型、农药的性质以及土壤中六六六的浓度。根据六六六的作物残留与土壤残留相关性分析,作物残留与土壤残留间呈正相关。在块根类作物中,胡萝卜吸收量最大,其次为马铃薯>花生>白薯,其它作物为大豆>谷子。胡萝卜对六六六的吸收量不仅比其他作物大,而且超出了土壤中六六六的残存量。因此,即使在六六六停用的情况下,六六六仍然有污染作物的可能。 The content of this paper is the crop’s uptake and operation of BHC. Field plots were located in Beijing, Shandong and Shanxi, respectively, with 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 kg of 6% per 666, respectively, soil treatment. The results showed that the uptake of BHC into the crop depends on the type of crop, the type of soil, the nature of the pesticide and the concentration of BHC in the soil. According to the analysis of the correlation between crop residue and soil residue in BHC, there was a positive correlation between crop residue and soil residue. In roots and tubers, carrots absorbed the most, followed by potato> peanut> sweet potato, other crops were soybean> millet. Carrots not only absorb more than 666 other crops, but also exceed the amount of 666 remaining in the soil. Therefore, even in the case of halting the operation of 666, there is still a possibility that 6006 will pollute the crops.
在辽宁东部山区人工红松林中,设置了10处固定观测点,对红松落针病(Lophodermium maximum)的流行规律进行了定位研究。该病害于每年4月下旬开始显露病状,5月中旬开始落叶,5月
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白蜡绵粉蚧Phenacoccus fraxinus Tang是汤祊德先生1977年首先在山西太原发现并定名的新种,后又在四川、浙江、河南、西藏等省区发现,是一种分布较广的害虫。此虫猖獗危害白
1982-1987年对海南12个县、市的33种经济作物的寄生线虫进行调查,并采集标本,共鉴定出21属、57种,分别隶属于12科、16亚科。 In 1982-1987, parasitic nematodes of 33 cash