四川省西充县属川北地区,气候、土壤条件优越,种植脐橙历史较长,福本脐橙引种10 a表现早熟、质优、畅销,可以适度推广。从高标准建园、土肥水管理、花果管理、整形修剪以及防止和减轻生理病害,提高品质配套技术、病虫害防控、适时采收等方面介绍福本脐橙的栽培管理技术要点,以期对脐橙生产有一定的参考价值。
Xichuan County in Sichuan Province is a region of northern Sichuan. Its climate and soil conditions are favorable. The history of growing navel orange is rather long. The introduction of Fuben navel orange showed a precocious, good quality and best-selling product for 10 years, which can be moderately promoted. From the high standards of garden, soil and water management, flower management, plastic pruning and to prevent and reduce physiological diseases, improve the quality of supporting technology, pest control, timely harvest introduced Fubenna orange cultivation and management techniques, with a view to navel orange production Have a certain reference value.