布拉格专电 1992年是捷克和斯洛伐克剧变后的第三个年头,也是捷克和斯洛伐克联邦解体的一年。在这一年里,尽管捷国内党派斗争加剧、民族矛盾尖锐、政治局势动荡,联邦国家一分为二,但由于三年来的经济改革,初步奠定了市场经济的基础,转变了经济机制,使捷克在发展经济方面取得一定成果,经济朝着逐渐复苏的方向转变。
The Special Rapporteur in Prague The year 1992 marks the third year after the drastic changes in Czechoslovakia and the year in which the Czech and Slovak federations were dissolved. In the course of the year, despite the intensified factional conflicts in the domestic political parties, the sharp ethnic conflicts and the turbulent political situation, the federal state was split into two parts. However, due to the economic reform in the past three years, the foundation of a market economy was initially laid and the economic mechanism was changed. The Czech Republic has made some achievements in economic development and the economy has been gradually turning toward recovery.