1.体育的动向——提倡体育的自主 奥地利同其他发达国家一样,在终生体育的环境下,主张体育不应是受强迫的,而应是自觉自愿,井能持续终生的,而学校体育应该培养学生的这种能力。在奥地利,“体育的自主”是学校体育最重要的目标。在现行的奥地利学校体育教学大纲(10—18岁)中是这样来描述其目标的:“体育课程的任务是让学生在多种多样的运动条件下能够有责任心地去运动,以使他们无论是独自或与他人一起活动时,都能充
1. Sport Trends - Promoting Sports Independence Austria, like other developed countries, advocates that physical education should not be forced under the environment of lifelong sports. Instead, it should be voluntary and well-lasting, and school sports should be cultivated This ability of students. In Austria, “sports autonomy” is the most important goal of school sports. The objective is described in the current Austrian School Physical Education Syllabus (10-18 years old) as follows: "The objective of a physical education curriculum is to enable students to behave responsibly under a wide range of exercise conditions so that they You can recharge alone or with others