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中国古代建筑以木构件为主要结构,防火性能差,给古建筑带来了极大的安全隐患。在采取各种行之有效的防火措施之外,古人也通过精巧的设计,通过各种防火观念表达祈求建筑物平安的良苦用心。建筑是人类文明的标志,是人类文化的重要组成部分。中国古代建筑以其独特的结构体系、优美的艺术造型和丰富的艺术装饰享誉内外,在世界建筑史和文化艺术史中写下了光辉的一页,受到了国内外旅游者的高度赞赏。中国古代建筑自原始社会起,一脉相承,大都以木构架为主要结构方式。木材具有良好的伸缩性,取材方便、加工容易、 The ancient Chinese architecture uses wood components as the main structure, with poor fire protection performance, which brings great potential safety hazard to the ancient buildings. In addition to adopting various effective fire prevention measures, the ancients used the sophisticated design to express their good intentions and peace of mind through various fire prevention concepts. Architecture is a hallmark of human civilization and an important part of human culture. With its unique structure system, beautiful artistic form and rich decorative arts, ancient Chinese architecture has enjoyed a good reputation both in the history of world architecture and in the history of culture and art and has been highly praised by domestic and foreign tourists. Ancient Chinese architecture from the original society, the same strain, most of the wooden structure as the main structure. Wood has good scalability, drawing convenient, easy processing,
曾因电子书包全国享誉的万荣县南街小学,如今又在艺术教育之路上另辟蹊径,独创汉字艺术特色教育,使学校的艺术教育犹如一朵奇葩,在争奇斗艳的教坛上华丽绽放。  走进校园,造型独特的假山、喷泉映入人们眼帘,鱼翔浅底,流水潺潺。不难看出,这是一所具有深厚文化底蕴的美丽校园。校园两边,婀娜的垂柳、整齐的冬青固然吸引人的眼球,但与长廊下一幅幅学生的精美汉字艺术画作品却无法媲美。这一幅幅作品,或画、或贴、或剪、或