我区群众在与斜纹夜蛾作斗争中,不仅有着惊人的决心,也表现了他们丰富的智慧,创造了许多有效的防治方法。 1.诱杀成虫 麻城、广济根据成虫喜吃香甜食物的特点,在羽化时采用糖醋诱杀。糖醋剂的配制:红糖、酒、醋各一两、6%666半两,先用酒、醋与糖混合,再掺入666粉搅拌均匀,装在扁平的容器内,于日落前放在离棉株顶端约一尺高的三角架上,每亩放一个即可,蛾子取食后很快醉倒中毒死亡。 2.采摘卵块 根据卵多产于生长良好高大棉株嫩绿叶背的特点,新州县8月中、下旬在全县范围内,掀
In the struggle against Spodoptera litura, the people in our district not only have astonishing determination, but also show their rich wisdom and create many effective prevention and cure methods. 1. Trapping adult worm Macheng, Guangji according to the characteristics of adult hi eat sweet food, sweet and sour when trapped in the trap. Preparation of sweet and sour agents: brown sugar, wine, vinegar each one or two, 6% 666 half two, first with wine, vinegar and sugar mixed, and then mixed with 666 powder Stir well, packed in a flat container, placed before sunset About one foot high from the top of the cotton plant tripod, put one per acre, moths poisoning quickly after drinking poisoning death. 2. Picking eggs according to the egg prolific eggs in the growth of a good high-green cotton leaves characteristics of the back, the county in mid-August, mid-range within the county,