随着广谱抗生素的广泛使用,以及激素、免疫抑制剂在一些疾病中的应用,真菌感染日见增多,而真菌性脑膜炎尤其成为真菌感染中难以对付的重要课题,本文报道酮康唑治疗白念珠菌性脑膜炎1例获得成功如下。 夏某,女,29yr,汉族工人,主诉2mo来发热头痛于1986年8月14日入本院,患者2mo来经常发热以午后多见。伴前额痛,疼剧时转为全头痛,无恶心呕吐,感乏力,食欲减退。患红班狼疮(SLE)、
With the widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and the application of hormones and immunosuppressants in some diseases, the number of fungal infections is increasing day by day. However, fungal meningitis is an important issue that is hard to deal with in fungal infections. This article reports that ketoconazole treatment One case of Candida albicans meningitis succeeded as follows. Xia Mou, female, 29yr, Han workers, chief complaint 2mo headache fever August 14, 1986 into the hospital, patients 2mo to fever more common in the afternoon. With forehead pain, painful turn into a full headache, no nausea and vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite. Suffering from red squamous lupus (SLE),