据统计,近4年来外文刊价格的涨幅为2~3倍,造成了采购经费与期刊征订不同步,即使各单位在图书经费上给予追加,那也只是杯水车薪。期刊涨价是一个客观存在的问题,我们要积极采取有力措施,通过各种不同渠道,挖掘潜力,千方百计弥补因经费不足而造成的文献流失。 为了扭转这种局面,让馆藏文献能更好地为学校重点学科服务,我们对外文期刊的征订工作进行了一次大手术。具体步骤如下。 1. 内查:主要是对本馆读者借阅的外刊次数进行统计,目的是掌握外文期刊征订工作的第一手资料,做到心中有数。
According to statistics, the prices of foreign language magazines have risen 2-3 times over the past 4 years, resulting in the procurement funds being out of sync with periodical subscriptions. Even if all the units give additional appeals on books, it is only a drop in the bucket. Periodical price increases are an objective problem. We must take effective measures to tap the potential through various channels and do everything possible to make up for the loss of literature due to insufficient funds. In order to reverse this situation and to make the collection of documents better serve key academic disciplines, we conducted a major operation on the subscription of foreign periodicals. Specific steps are as follows. 1. Internal search: mainly for the library readers to borrow the number of foreign journal statistics, the purpose is to grasp the first-hand information on the subscription of foreign language journals, be aware of.