1 机关应用文是实用性很强的文体,历来在推动机关工作中被广泛应用。但是,在一些人的眼中,机关应用文常常被视为官样文章。他们觉得,此类文章不是为解决具体问题而作,而是奉命例行公事,所以写来苍白呆板,语言乏味,无文采可言,无个人感情可抒。这就不能不妨碍他们去认真研读这类文章,去体察蕴含于文中的内在美,也就谈不到热爱这类文体的写作。这种状况势必影向机关应用文写作质量的提高,也会影响机关应用文写作的研究和教学工作。如果
1 organ application text is a highly practical style, has always been to promote the work of the agency has been widely used. However, in some people’s eyes, agency applications are often considered bureaucratic articles. They think that such articles are not meant to solve specific problems but are routinely ordered. Therefore, they are plain and dull, have a boring language, have no literary talent at all, and have no personal feelings to express. This can not but hinder them to carefully study such articles, to understand the intrinsic beauty contained in the text, also can not talk about the love of such style of writing. This situation is bound to affect the quality of the organization’s applied writing, but also affect the research and teaching of the organization’s applied writing. in case