Diagnosis of bronchial asthma diagnosis is not difficult, in the remission period, then the medical history as the main basis. Generally have long-term recurrent history, mostly due to some stimulating factors or sudden onset of sleep in the middle of the night, onset of chest tightness and shortness of breath, shortness of breath, short breath with short wheeze, water agent epinephrine subcutaneous Intravenous injection or ammonia 礆 intravenous injection has immediate relief effect. Whenever an allergic asthma, the asthma more than young or youth, and have a history of family or individual allergies, and its precursor disorder with exfoliative dermatitis, allergic rhinitis or allergic cough are more common; non-allergic Asthma or asthmatic bronchitis are more common in older people, and their precursors are bronchitis for months or years. Occur in the winter season, onset of cough is more drama, a lot of sputum spit inexhaustible, white as foam or Yellow-green, accompanied by more severe emphysema,