
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tgw
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旅游业的发展及新型城镇化建设是当今社会关注的两个热点问题,本文提出旅游业与新型城镇化是互通互融、互相促进的良性互动关系,并深入阐述了二者相互促进、互动发展的机制,为我国新型城镇化建设探索新的发展思路。旅游业是国民经济体系中重要的战略性支柱产业,具有产业关联度高、资源消耗低、经济贡献率大、绿色特征显著、兼具经济性与文化性等特点。旅游业的这些产业特性,与新型城镇化的城乡统筹、城乡一体、产城互动、节约集约、生态宜 The development of tourism and new urbanization are two hot issues that the society pays close attention to at present. This paper proposes that tourism and new-type urbanization are benign and interactive each other and promote each other, and further elaborate the mutual promotion and mutual development Mechanism for China’s new urbanization to explore new ideas for the development. Tourism is an important strategic pillar industry in the national economy. It has the characteristics of high industrial relevance, low resource consumption, large economic contribution rate, significant green characteristics, and economy and culture. These characteristics of the tourism industry, urban and rural areas with the new urbanization co-ordination, urban and rural areas, production-city interaction, conservation, ecological should
唐拳,又名八卦唐拳,现流传于上海、吉林、山东、河北、湖北等地。  相传为唐朝李渊第三子李玄霸所创,1911年,河北王少成将此拳传于湖北人丁鸿奎。唐拳动作矫健有力,舒展大方,刚柔相济,朴实无华,快速有力,节奏鲜明,属传统长拳类。  唐拳以拳为本,其基本功包括腿功、腰功、臂功、桩功、平衡、跳跃、旋转、跌扑、滚翻、冲推、弹踢。基本拳法为四击、八法、十二型。四击为踢、打、摔、拿。八法为手、眼、身、步、精、