在近期的几场高科技局部战争中,美 军的“布雷德利”系列步兵战车在战场上大 展神威,尤其是最新改进型“布雷德利” M2A3步兵战车更是被誉为世界上最先进的 步兵战车。面对美国在步兵战车领域的强 大压力,作为军事强国的一些欧洲国家不 甘落后,高度重视步兵战车的研制和完善, 纷纷推出自己的拿手绝活,其中俄、英、法、 德、瑞典的步兵战车独树一帜,让我们一一 进行评点。 BMP-3步兵战车面世18年来,可谓威 名远扬,在其使用国都有不错的口碑,在近 几年的车臣战争及科索沃维和行动中的表现 更是可圈可点。
In the recent high-tech local wars, the “Bradley” series of infantry fighting vehicles of the U.S. military showed their respect on the battlefield. In particular, the newly improved “Bradley” M2A3 infantry fighting vehicle was even more Known as the world's most advanced infantry fighting vehicles. Confronted with the United States' strong pressure in the field of infantry fighting vehicles, some European countries that are military powers are not far behind and attach great importance to the research and development of infantry fighting vehicles. They have all launched their own unique skills, including those of Russia, Britain, France, Germany and Sweden Infantry combat vehicles are unique, let us review one by one. The 18-year history of the BMP-3 infantry fighting chariot has made a name for itself and has enjoyed a good reputation in the countries where it is used. The performance of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle in the Chechnya war and Kosovo peacekeeping operations in recent years is even more remarkable.