南斯拉夫联邦共和国由六个共和国组成,总面积25.6万平方公里,70%以上的土地为山地,海拔200米以上,约有2 300万人口。主要农作物是玉米、小麦和牧草,其中玉米产量居欧州第二位。 南斯拉夫的水能资源非常丰富,水力发电量占全国总发电量的48%,并有一座核电站,其余为火力发电。自苏联切尔诺贝利核电站发生事故以来,核电遭到了人民的强烈反对,现在国家已中止了核电发展计划,拟以丰富的水能做为发展电力的主要资源,按计划,水能发电量将达到总发电量的75%。 水能的开发利用推动了灌溉排水事业的
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is made up of six republics with a total area of 256,000 square kilometers. Over 70% of the land is mountainous, with an elevation of 200 meters and an estimated population of 23 million. The main crops are corn, wheat and pasture, with maize producing the second largest in Europe. Yugoslavia has abundant water resources, accounting for 48% of the country’s total generating capacity, with a nuclear power plant and the rest being thermal power generation. Since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union, nuclear power has met with strong opposition from the people. Now that the state has suspended its nuclear power development plan, it plans to use abundant water as its main source of electricity. According to the plan, Will reach 75% of the total generating capacity. Water energy development and utilization of irrigation and drainage to promote the cause