防伪的概念 ,是一种保护生产者和消费者利益的手段 ,主要是针对两类对象 :一是商品 ,二是有价文书(资质证书、报表、单据、文件等)。商品或有价文书 ,是现代社会反映一定价值的“物”。从保护生产者或消费者以及有价文书的持有者的利益上说 ,防伪是保证社会安定、经济有序发?
The concept of anti-counterfeiting is a means of protecting the interests of producers and consumers. It is mainly aimed at two types of objects: one is commodity, and the other is value document (qualification certificate, report, document, document, etc.). Goods or valuable instruments, is a reflection of a certain value of modern society “thing.” From the point of protecting the interests of the producer or consumer as well as the holders of valuable instruments, the security is to ensure social stability and economic orderly?