因为残疾,考了第一名却不被录取 1970年的夏天,对于刚满5岁的孙振玉来说,是一个最不幸的季节:一场从天而降的疾病,使他幸福的童年生活过早地结束了。这天早晨起床,小振玉只觉得头昏脑胀,头顶不停地冒汗。父亲孙清振拿体温表一量——不好,儿子发起了高烧!他赶快给儿子拿来退烧的药片,但无济于事。小振玉吃不下饭喝不下水,腿软得直打颤,这种反复的高烧一直折磨了振玉一个多月才渐渐消退,从此,他再也不能下床行走。当地的医院跑遍了,也没能诊出个确切的结果。直
Because of the disability, but did not take the first test admitted in the summer of 1970, for just 5-year-old Sun Zhenyu, is the most unfortunate season: a fallen disease, so that his happy childhood ended prematurely It’s Get up this morning, Xiao Zhen jade only felt dizzy, his head kept sweating. His father Sun Qingzhen take a body temperature table a quantity - not good, his son launched a high fever! He quickly brought to his son to give up the fever of the pills, but to no avail. Xiaoyan jade can not eat less than water, leg straight and trembling, this repeated high fever has been torturing the jade more than a month before gradually subsided, since then, he can no longer walk out of bed. The local hospital traveled all over and failed to diagnose the exact result. straight