At the closing ceremony of the Central South Area Drama Show, August 15, the first secretary of the Central South Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, made a concluding report entitled “Revolutionary modern drama occupies the stage quickly and completely.” Will play a revolutionary modern drama to occupy the stage laid the foundation Taozhu comrades first congratulated this observation show made significant achievements. He said that there were over 3,000 theatrical workers participating in this performance. All the major South-Central Taiwan operas have comedy shows and a total of over 50 plays, which lasted a month and a half. This is unprecedented in Central and South China , And got great success. This is a good review of the power of revolutionary modern drama in Central and South China, laying a good foundation for the revolutionary modern drama to fully occupy the stage entirely. Tao Zhu comrades said that this meeting will solve two major problems: First, through the performance, composed of a screenwriter,