人参为五加科植物人参的根,商品习称园参。蒸制干燥后为红参,其味甘、微苦性温。具有大补元气、复脉固脱、益气摄血的作用。用于体虚欲脱、肢冷脉微,气不摄血、崩漏下血、心衰、心源性休克等症,用量3~9克。 川贝母为百合科植物川贝母、暗紫贝母、甘肃贝母或梭砂贝母的干燥鳞茎。前三者按性状不同习称松贝和青贝,后者称炉贝。其性味甘、微寒。具有清热润肺、化痰止嗽的作用。用于肺热咳嗽、
Ginseng is the root of the Araliaceae plant ginseng and the commodity is known as Ginseng. Steamed and dried to red ginseng, sweet and slightly bitter. It has the effect of nourishing vital energy, Fumai solid-off, and Qi-invigorating blood. For physically weak desire to take off, limbs cold veins, gas does not take blood, uterine bleeding, heart failure, cardiogenic shock embolism, dosage 3 ~ 9 grams. Fritillaria cirrhosa is a dried bulb of Liliaceae, Fritillaria cirrhosa, Fritillaria sinica, Fritillaria cirrhosa, or Fritillaria striata. The first three are known as pine shells and green shells according to different characters, while the latter are called shellfish. Its sweet, slightly cold. With heat and lungs, phlegm only role. For hyperactivity cough,