输精管结扎是世界范围内广泛应用的节育措施,通过结扎输精管阻断精子排出路径,达到避孕效果。关于输精管结扎术对男性泌尿生殖器官生理状态的影响已有研究,一部分是基于动物实验基础上的推论,一部分是对人群的跟踪调查,现对相关文献予以综述。 输精管结扎对输精管和附睾的影响 输精管结扎术后,附睾和输精管近端由于阻塞产生淤积、扩张。徐传良等对兔研究报
Vasectomy is a widely used birth control measure worldwide, through the ligation of the vas deferens to block the path of sperm discharge, to contraceptive effect. Some studies have been conducted on the effects of vasectomy on the physiological status of the male genitourinary organ, partly based on the corollary of animal experiments and partly on the follow-up of the population. The relevant literature is now reviewed. Effect of vasectomy on the vas deferens and epididymis After vasectomy, the proximal epididymis and vas deferens produce a build-up and dilatation due to obstruction. Xu Chuan-Liang and other research reports on the rabbit