A Bionic Fish Cilia Median-Low Frequency Three-Dimensional Piezoresistive MEMS Vector Hydrophone

来源 :Nano-Micro Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouqidhi
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A bionic fish cilia median-low frequency three-dimensional MEMS vector hydrophone is reported in this paper. The piezoresistive reasonable position was obtained through finite element analysis by ANSYS and the structure was formed by MEMS processes including lithography, ion implantation, PECVD and etching,etc. The standing wave barrel results show that the lowest sensitivity of the hydrophone is-200 d B and reach up to-160 d B(in which the voltage amplification factor is 300). It has a good frequency response characteristics in 25 Hz ~ 1500 Hz band. Directivity tests displayed that the hydrophone has a good “8”-shaped directivity,in which the resolution is not less than 30 d B, and asymmetry of the maximum axial sensitivity value is less than 1.2 d B. A piezoresistive reasonable position was obtained through finite element analysis by ANSYS and the structure was formed by MEMS processes including lithography, ion implantation, PECVD and etching, etc. The standing wave barrel results show that the lowest sensitivity of the hydrophone is-200 d B and reach up-160 d B in which the voltage amplification factor is 300. It has a good frequency response characteristics in 25 Hz ~ 1500 Hz band. Directivity tests displayed that the hydrophone has a good “8 ” - shaped directivity, where which resolution is not less than 30 d B, and asymmetry of the maximum axial sensitivity value is less than 1.2 d B.
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