七十年代末的美国。又到了大选年。因为现任总统安德鲁·谢泼德参加总统连任竞选,白宫上下显得格外忙碌。一大早,总统就离家去大选办公室主持工作会议。一路上他几乎都在小跑,一边和路经各办公室的工作人员匆匆打招呼,一边听着与他同行的秘书珍妮和年轻的内务助理刘易斯的工作汇报。总统办公室里,智囊团其他成员艾杰、罗萍和里奥相继到位。总统竞选高级顾问艾杰告诉安德鲁, 环境保护局局长所罗门来信说他曾呼吁总统正视日益严重的城市空气污染问题。要求通过立法让空气污染降低20%,但一直没有得到总统的积极反应,非常沮丧。“空气污染主要来自飞机燃油和汽车废气排放。一下子要降低这
America in the late seventies. Again to the general election year. Because the incumbent President Andrew Shepherd joined the reelection campaign, the White House looked exceptionally busy. Early in the morning, the president left home for office in the presidential election. He was almost trotting along the way, hurriedly greeting staff who walked through the offices, listening to the work of secretary Jenny and his young assistant aide Lewis. In the office of the president, other members of the think tank, Eijie, Luo Ping and Leo came in. Ascei, a top advisor to the presidential election, told Andrew that the Secretary for Environmental Protection Solomon sent a letter saying he called for the president to address the growing problem of urban air pollution. Asked to pass legislation to reduce air pollution by 20%, but has not been the president’s positive response, very frustrated. "Air pollution comes mainly from jet fuel and car emissions, and it’s about to be reduced